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Glosses (146)
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ᐅᐧᐃᑳᐦᑳᒌᐧᐋᔥᑭᓈᐤ uwikaahkaachiiwaashkinaau
it (anim, adult male caribou) has antlers with many branches

ᐧᐃᑎᐦᑐᑳᑎᒫᓂᐆ witihtukaatimaaniuu
the whole camp gets to the place where the caribou are

ᒌᐦᑐᓈᑭᓂᐆ chiihtunaakiniuu
it (anim, ex tanning of a moose, caribou hide) has been done but needs to be re-done

ᐧᐃᒋᑳᒋᓈᓂᐆ wichikaachinaaniuu
the camp is set where all the caribou meat can be butchered and prepared

ᑯᑎᑯᓂᔮᐹᔒᔥ kutikuniyaapaashiish
three-year-old male caribou in early winter while it still has its antlers

ᐳᓈᔥᑭᒋᐦᑯᔥ punaashkichihkush
one or two-year-old caribou which leaves its mother when she has her next young in the spring

ᐅᐱᔖᒋᐦᑯᒥᔥᐦ upishaachihkumishh
her one-year-old female caribou calf that does not leave when she has her next young in the spring

ᐅᐧᐃᔨᐹᔮᑯᓂᐦᑖᐅᔥᑭᔒᐦ uwiyipaayaakunihtaaushkishiih
its (anim, ex. caribou) small nail on the outer side of its hoof

ᐃᔮᐹᐅᑎᐦᒄ iyaapaautihkw
adult male caribou in spring whose antlers are starting to grow migrating north

ᐊᑎᐦᑯᑭᒥᒄ atihkukimikw
caribou's dwelling, high mountain covered white with caribou hair (legend)

ᐋᐅᒋᑯᑎᓲ aauchikutisuu
s/he takes several trips to bring the caribou which have been killed to the camp

ᐋᐱᓄᐧᐃᑖᐤ aapinuwitaau
s/he takes out the contents of the bones in the front part of a skull of caribou

ᐋᑎᒋᓈᐱᐦᐄᑭᓂᐧᐃᔥᑎᐧᑳᓐ aatichinaapihiikiniwishtikwaan
the head of a caribou turned upside down, cut open, contents of it cleaned out

ᐧᐃᔥᑎᒫᐤ wishtimaau
s/he sees the signs of caribou, moose but does not kill them, goes home to let others know

ᐱᔅᒋᑯᐦᑎᔥᐧᑳᐱᑖᐤ pischikuhtishkwaapitaau
s/he cuts the throat right away after killing a caribou to prevent the stomach contents from going towards the head

ᑎᒥᐦᒋᐱᓯᑭᓐ timihchipisikin
package of caribou meat from the head, breast, ribs excluding the bones

ᒋᐧᐃᑖᐤ chiwitaau
five-year-old adult male caribou in October which loses its antlers later than usual

ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒧᐧᐋᐤ chiskutimuwaau
s/he, it (anim) teaches her/him, it (anim), gives her/him the caribou s/he killed

ᒌᐅᐧᐃᐦᑖᐤ chiiuwihtaau
the caribou leaves the area after losing velvet on antlers and goes in search of a mate

ᒌᑎᐧᐃᐦᐄᑭᓂᑳᑦ chiitiwihiikinikaat
bone of the right hind leg of a certain male caribou which, after being split lengthwise, has the marrow removed and eaten only by older men, and then back tied together and preserved

ᒥᒥᐧᔮᔅᑯᐧᐃᑖᐤ mimiywaaskuwitaau
it (anim, adult male caribou) has long curved antlers with hardly any branches

ᒥᔪᓈᐦᐄᑭᓐ miyunaahiikin
male caribou not able to rut because it was defeated by a stronger male

ᒦᓄᐧᐃᔥᑎᓈᐤ miinuwishtinaau
it (anim, five-year-old adult male caribou) starts eating again after rutting in October

ᓯᒋᒫᐅᑎᐦᒄ sichimaautihkw
caribou in August when hair is short from shedding and it is bothered by mosquitoes

ᓯᓯᒋᐧᐃᑖᐤ sisichiwitaau
it (anim, adult male caribou) has antlers with many branches and curves

ᓵᓵᐳᐧᐋᑎᒻ saasaapuwaatim
s/he adds hot grease to the caribou blood broth, ptarmigan duodenum broth

ᐅᔕᐦᐊᒫᐤ ushahamaau
s/he sees a moose, caribou s/he was tracking even if s/he doesn't have a chance to shoot, s/he tracks a moose, caribou

ᐧᐄᓈᔥᑕᑲᐃ wiinaashtakai
large stomach of moose, caribou where waste ends up (same as umistatai)

ᐱᔅᑯᑕᐃ piskutai
large part of moose, caribou intestine near stomach (narrow, about 12 inches long), perhaps honeycomb tripe

ᒌᑑᐦᐄᑲᓂᑳᑦ chiituuhiikanikaat
bone of the right hind leg of a certain male caribou is split lengthwise, the marrow removed and eaten only by older men, and the bone tied together and kept